Serial Debugging

Serial Debugging can be used as a diagnostic tool for advanced troubleshooting of the MULTI-Module.

Serial debugging is only practical with external MULTI-Modules.

Step 1: Upload a serial debugging firmware build to your MULTI-Module.

Module Type

Debug Build


iRangeX, Banggood, older Jumper JP4IN1


If you have to unplug or power-cycle the module, you must close and re-open the serial monitor within 30s.

Newer Jumper JP4IN1


If you have to unplug or power-cycle the module, turn the radio on with the USB cable unplugged from the computer, then plug the cable in once the module has started (red LED is on),

Any module with an external USB-to-serial adapter


If you disconnect the USB-to-serial adapter from the computer you must close and re-open the serial monitor.

If you use Flash Multi to upload the debugging firmware to your module, the application will ensure that the firmware you are upload matches what your module requires.

Step 2: Run Flash Multi (see the Firmware Update Methods page) and open the Serial Monitor.

Step 3: Read the output, copy and paste, or save it to a file

Before you use your MULTI-Module for flying you should revert to a non-debug firmware.

Last updated