FrSky RX


Protocol Number: 55 Autobind: No Channel Re-mapping: No Extended Limits: Yes Failsafe Support: Yes Receiver Match: Yes Telemetry: Yes Option Value: Frequency fine tuning


Uses the MULTI-Module as a receiver instead of a transmitter. Compatible with any radio transmitting one of the following protocols:

  • FrSkyD/D8

  • FrSkyX/D16 (FCC or LBT)

  • FrSkyX/D16 v2.1.0 (FCC or LBT)

Sub Protocols

0 - RX

Enables two radios to be linked in a trainer/trainee partnership. See the Wireless Trainer page for more information.

Wireless Trainer

The FrSky protocol used on the transmitting radio is detected automatically at bind time.

The same Receiver Number must be used on the trainer and trainee radios.

Frequency tuning is required for this protocol. If the RF Fine Tune value is 0 the receiver protocol will fine-tune itself, any other value will be used as set. See the Frequency Tuning page for more details.

1 - CloneTX

This subprotocol makes a clone of a the unique identifier of a radio transmitting one of the supported FrSky protocols.

There are three memory 'slots' available for cloning:

  • 1 slot for D8 cloning

  • 1 slot for FrSkyX (D16v1) cloning

  • 1 slot for FrSkyX2 (D16v2.1.0) cloning

The same transmitter or different transmitters can be cloned into each slot, but only one transmitter ID is stored per slot.

If you use the Cloning Procedure with a radio transmitting the D8 protocol, it will be saved in the D8 slot. Likewise for D16v1 and D16v2.1 .

Once a transmitter ID is cloned you can use the cloned ID for any model by using the FrSkyD/X/X2 'Cloned' sub-protocol option. This way you can have models working with the original MULTI-Module identifier and models which are shared by both the cloned TX and MPM.

OpenTX 2.3.8 or later is required to use cloned transmitter IDs with the MULTI-Module.

Cloning Procedure

  1. On the radio to receive the cloned ID, configure a new model with the FrSky RX protocol, sub-protocol CloneTX

  2. On the radio to be cloned, select (or configure) a model which uses the protocol you want to clone the ID from (FrSkyD/D8, FrSkyX/D16, etc.)

  3. Place both radios in Bind mode

  4. Wait for the bind to complete

Using the Cloned ID

  1. Select or create a model where you want to use the cloned ID

  2. Select the protocol which was cloned (FrSkyD/D8, FrSkyX/D16, etc.)

  3. Select the sub-protocol Cloned


  • FrSkyD/D8 - the Receiver Number which was used during the the cloning procedure is used. Changing the Receiver Number has no effect

  • FrSkyX/D16 - the Receiver Number must be set to match the value on the original transmitter

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