Firmware Files

A number of firmware image files are compiled for every new MULTI-Module firmware release. Use the MULTI-Module Firmware Download site to download the correct file for your module:

Standard File Naming

The standard firmware file names follow this pattern:

mm-[module type]-[sub type]-[channel order]-[firmware version].bin

The parts of the file name are explained below.

Module Type

Determines the type of MCU the firmware was built for:

  • avr - for older MULTI-Modules with an ATmega328p MCU

  • stm - for MULTI-Modules with an STM32 MCU

  • orangerx - for OrangeRX modules running MULTI-Module firmware

  • t18int - Jumper T18 radios with a 5-in-1 module

  • tlite5in1 - Jumper T-Lite radios with a 5-in-1 module

If you don't know what module type you have, it is probably stm.

Sub Type

For STM modules, the type of module or radio:

  • serial - standard firmware for OpenTX, EdgeTX, erSky, or other serial radios

  • 5in1 - DIY 5-in-1 modules

  • cc2500 - radios/modules which only have the CC2500 RF component

  • ppm - radios which use PPM Mode

For AVR modules, the flash method used to update the firmware:

  • txflash - update from the radio

  • usbasp - update using the Arduino IDE and a USBasp

Channel Order

The Expected Channel Order for the firmware image.

  • aetr - expects to receive channel data in AETR order

  • reta - expects to receive channel data in RETA order

  • taer - expects to receive channel data in TAER order

The default Expected Channel Order is AETR.

Firmware Version

The version number of the firmware.

Firmware File Examples

Some examples to help select the correct firmware file:

Module Type

Radio Type

Channel Order

Firmware File

Jumper JP4IN1-SE




RaioMaster TX16S Internal




Jumper T18




Other Firmware Files

A small number of files are compiled for debugging or development purposes. These files are only produced with AETR channel order.

These firmware files are not for general use and should only be used when testing.

Protocol Dumping

Protocol Dumping firmware enables the radio to capture and decoding RF transmissions from other RC transmitters which use the common XN297 RF module. This can be used to reverse-engineer unknown protocols so that they can be added to the MULTI-Module.

Captured data is displayed via serial output.

Protocol Dumping firmware is named in this pattern:

mm-stm-xn297dump-[debugging type]-[firmware version].bin

Protocol Dumping firmware only includes the XN297L dumping protocol and cannot be used with any models or receivers.

See the Protocol Dumping page for more information:

Protocol Dumping

Last updated